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Hello little love ❤️

A few weeks ago, we welcomed our daughter into the world, and our hearts have never been fuller. We’re beyond excited to embrace this beautiful, magical soul and step into the role of her parents. ❤️

As I reflect on the kind of mother I want to be, I’ve been thinking about a quote by Nicola Jane Hobbs:

“Growing up, I never knew a relaxed woman. Successful women? Yes. Productive women? Plenty. Anxious and afraid and apologetic women? Heaps of them. But relaxed women? At-ease women? Women who don’t dissect their days into half hour slots of productivity? Women who prioritize rest and pleasure and play? Women who aren’t afraid to take up space in the world? Women who give themselves unconditional permission to relax? Without guilt? Without apology? Without feeling like they need to earn it? I’m not sure I’ve ever met a woman like that. But I would like to become one.”

― Nicola Jane Hobbs

I want my daughter to know me as a woman who is creative and at peace—a woman who believes in her dreams, nurtures her passions, and continuously works on her craft.

What kind of creativity do I want to model for her? How do I want her to see me? How do I want her to see women and feel about becoming one herself?

These are the questions I hold close as I begin this journey as a mother.